The BLOX Experience…
Picture over 100 passionate entrepreneurs cooped up in a Hotel Casino for 6 days - if you can imagine there being alot of laughing, crying, and general douch-baggery going on, you’d be exactly right. It was 6 long days that started with breakfast, networking following by class for 2 hours taught by Wes Bergmann (yes- from the Real World) on a topic about Entrepreneurship, followed by lunch. After lunch the race was on to get back to our seats, get the assignment, and run to our “Pod”. We had 15 min to write up a 3 minute presentation showcasing what we learned that day.
Showing how well we understood the material determined who won for the day. We presented to groups of 10 that were judged by an uber-successful (but uber nice) Entrepreneur who was part of the show. Each night, after we spent 3 hours in our pods, the scores were tallied up and one person from each Pod was announced as the winner. At the end of the week the top 6 winners were announce and the top 3 won a cash prize.
If you’re wondering if I won you’ll have to watch the show when it comes out. But on top of learning a boat load about how to grow my business, I did learn something about myself that I never realized- and that is actually more valuable than any pat on the back from a game show.
I learned the biggest thing holding me back is FEAR. (Story time) - At a young age I experience significant childhood trauma that has carried into my adult years. I was in the ICU of Boston Children’s Hospital from ages 2-5, had many surgeries, and my mindset ever since was to just “SURVIVE” and I was never deserving to “THRIVE”.
Going on the Blox broke through that barrier and I no longer have this fear of what entrepreneurship and success can bring to my life.
I encourage you all, to step out of your comfort zone every once in a while - it’s healthy, and it’s necessary if you want to grow. Entrepreneurship is HARD, lonely at times, and can cause you to have a stroke or two, but the wins are so incredible - but they don’t come without the cost of “stepping into your truth” and owning your destiny.
If you have a story you’d like to share, I want to hear it. Let’s talk over coffee (or zoom), just contact me here !